Today I've been playing with fabric for the string diamond I want to work on next. I know, I know, I still have to finish HQ but I have a particular border treatment that I want to do that will take actual thinking, which I'm not in the mood to do.
It was fun to just play with fabric. Most of this came from Florida last year when I was trapped without my stash, but now I have scraps that Siobhan, Bonnie, Cher, and Heidi have given me as well.
I don't have enough of an attention span to give you any links or book recommendations or anything else. I have to zip off and do something else now. later!
I love that setting! It looks great, but I understand about how, once you know what it looks like, it's hard to stay interested. I do that all the time. I do love that bin of scraps though. It sure looks bright and happy to me!
Hey, that scrap basket shot is all *I* need from you today!
I was going to ask why bother with a border - your HQ doesn't need it in my eyes - but since you've already got something in mind...
It looks fabulous BTW :- )
Mahhhhvelous. Simply marvelous. If Pokey is happy, we're happy. Great job.
I really like your Humility Quilt. I am constantly amazed that colors which have not previously been in my "gotta have" list are appealing to me when I see them all sewn up! Your quilt is just beautiful...I know you'll wake up one day with a bee in your bonnet and won't be able to stop until this quilt is done!
well, all the rows together and waiting to think on borders for HQ certainly means the green light on something new. Let me know if you need more bright scraps..that bin looks a bit low to me! Love how your returned quilt turned out- please do post a photo once you decide to bind it.
Hey, that's not attention span of a gnat.. it's just normal quilting. I always have to take a breather after I get the rows together. After all, there can be only one Bonnie in this world.
Something about the way the dragon looks around the eyes makes him look more like a puppy gnawing a stick than a dragon chomping St George's lance.
I just sorted stash and realized that I have very few yellows and oranges. I did five yards in plastic bags, various yellow and red combinations, and so that may help.
Know what you mean about trying to stay interested. I suppose that's why having lots of projects going on helps get them finished in the end.
Can't wait to see your border design.
It looks great, Tonya! Can't wait to see it finished! Looks like Pokey loves it, too.
The quilt is coming along great. I find that sometimes I need time to contemplate, I can't be sewing every minute.
This quilt will be just wonderful :-) You have done a great job with the shades - the darker halves of the blocks are so well matched to the lighter halves that you get the impression that there are strips of black gauze creating the shadow effect with bright colours shining through.
I too started dealing with my scraps this weekend, although I'm going about it in quite a different manner ;-)
That was a lot of concentrated sewing putting all those LC blocks together. Yolu're entitled to a breather.
Hey -- sometimes you just need to play with something new. Those fabrics in the basket look like a lot of fun to play with! Enjoy.
A very good post nonetheless, in spite of your haste, to be elsewhere!! Love the pictures!
Quit criticizing yourself! Take a breather, savor what you've accomplished, and enjoy the moments (don't forget about attention for Pokey et al)! (and those colors in the basket do look very familiar... hmmm)
LOVE the HQ -- AWESOME!!!!
Oh it is wonderful! But poor pokey looks dead on your quilt! :)
That is a gorgeous quilt. I love that setting--it really shows the lights/darks.
You also have beautiful cats! I subscribed to your blog through Google Reader partially because of your quilts but also partially because of your cats! :O)
Just a breather so the fabrics can age appropriately, right? So lovely set together!
Your blocks have such a great feeling of depth to them. I love the colours!
I really love this log cabin quilt but I understand stalling out. I do the same thing once I *see* what the quilt is going to look like. I still need to assemble my heart quilt that's patiently waiting on my design wall.
I've probably said this before,but your log cabin is fabulous! The rich purples in the blocks and the bright strips in your scrap basket remind me how my taste in quilt fabric is changing. I'm losing interest in the muddy colored reproductions and I'm drawn to brighter colors, including (dare I say it) nostalgic 1950's prints.
I love the photo of the whole quilt with the cat stretched out. The dark squares look like giant shadows on the quilt, and the cat is lying in a strip of sunshine. Very cool quilt!
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